Sunday, October 4, 2009

Field of Dreams

After 4 hours in the ER, Laryn ended up with six stitches and Blaire ended up with a goose egg after fainting and landing on the ER floor. Her eyes were a little crazy the next day.
Thanks for the Father's Day gift. I enjoyed my guy day, the whole hour of massage, hot towels, and straight blade shave. The little TV in front of me was a nice touch too. When I am rich and famous, I may go more often. That really is me underneath the towels and it felt sooo good.

Finally, my field of dreams. After hours, and hours, and hours, and hours of leveling and lots of help from the Hales it is finally coming together. The grass is planted and the sprinklers work. Now we will hope for the best. If all goes well the the playing should be great with lots of room for family fun. If we get some snow, the terrace will create a great jump for a snowmobile. The trencher really worked me over and I am still not recovered.